Gardens' Rewards App Beta Survey Form

Greetings from Gardens by the Bay!

Thank you for participating in our testing of the Rewards Beta app. We'd like to hear from you about your experience using the app and how we can further improve it in the future. 

Please provide your registered email address or phone number to award you 5 Gardens Rewards points for completing this survey by 17 Sep.


Did Gardens Rewards mobile app give you more reasons to visit Gardens by the Bay?


Would you refer the Gardens Rewards mobile app to a friend? 

* On a scale of 1-5, how much did you enjoy the deals and rewards offered by Gardens Rewards mobile app? (5 being the highest)

Did you use the 'Scan to Earn' feature every time you spent on Gardens by the Bay?


Did you use your points to redeem rewards at Gardens by the Bay?

Please share other reasons if you did not use either the scan to earn feature or using points to redeem rewards.


If there was a special offer on visiting Gardens by the Bay during weekdays, when would you prefer to visit?


Are there other alternatives you would like to use your points for?

If you answered "Others", please specify below.


There are points still left in your account, was there a reason for not using your points?

If you answered "Others", please specify below.


What would attract you to visit Gardens by the Bay more? 


Which of the following improvements would you like to see in the next app release?

* Applicable to certain areas only


What other improvements to this app would you like to see in the future? 


Will you be interested in participating in an individual interview regarding our Gardens Rewards program? Selected participants will receive a complimentary meal voucher after the interview.